Customized To Suit Individual Students' Needs
Tiered In-District Mental Health Support
A student’s chance to achieve success in school and in the community improves with easy access to school-based therapeutic services. Each program must be specifically tailored, however, to create the optimal environment for success.
We approach our school-based interventions through a three-tiered system of support. The aim of this system is to explore and address needs and goals throughout the district community. While the individual student stands at the core of our service, we believe that mental health support finds its greatest impact if the entire system is supported.
Tier 1

Creating professional development to support emotional and supportive learning environments. We offer classroom based mental health workshops, parent engagement opportunities, and access to a network of providers.
Tier 2

Identified youth can participate in skill development. With an emphasis of conflict resolution, mindfulness, stress management, social skills and peer leadership. On campus and summer transition programs available.
Tier 3

Addressing the most significant mental health support for our districts, we work with identified youth who can participate in in counseling individually and with their families. Crisis intervention, school avoidance, IEP services, and are available.
"A student’s chance to achieve success in school and in the community improves with easy access to school-based therapeutic services."

School Presence
The challenge of school engagement for many districts is a major reason CarePlus School Based Services partners with school districts across NJ. Through CarePlus NJ’s School Presence programming, we are committed to supporting students and families in increasing motivation and skills to attend school regularly.

- Our team focuses on collaboration with administration and school staff in creating an action plan focused on service and support to aide students and families to address attendance and engagement.
- We engage in Implementing assessment and strategies aimed at directly addressing school avoidance. Treatment plans and goals are centered around the successful integration of student attendance with sustaining learning availability and mood regulation in mind.
- We provide mental health programming and direct support in Therapeutic classroom settings. The utilization of alternative placements within the district is optimized with in class support. SEL and therapeutic interactions are built into the framework of the class day to support student’s maintenance within the classroom setting.
- We engage in outreach to support students in the morning transition. Different from an in-home session, these outreaches are meant to serve as a brief motivational and strategic interaction that allows the family to engage in the shift from home to school.
- Linkage and referrals can be provided by our team when students may benefit from community-based support. When school attendance needs are identified, the team offers linkage for students and families. Navigating the Children’s System of Care and accessing resources for referrals is a skill that can be promoted and assisted upon with both school and family
Integrated Care Network
Through CarePlus NJ’s full continuum of comprehensive wrap-around services, we fully support youth and families. We have the ability to seamlessly link youth and families to community-based therapeutic services and other treatment options based on clinical presentation.
- We provide linkage to outpatient therapy, group therapy, support groups, and medication evaluations as needed. This may be via interagency referrals or other agencies based on youth and families identified needs.
- At times, youth and families will benefit from intensive services in the home or community. We provide guidance and support when accessing Performcare. We assist families by providing psychoeducation regarding services available such as Children’s Mobile Response and Stabilization Services, Care Management Organizations, or Family Support Organizations. We answer questions, are available to make the initial calls with families, and provide additional guidance as needed to confirm access to services.
- Consistent communication and collaboration with school staff and community-based providers is essential to support the youth and family’s school-based goals. This enables a true wrap-around team approach to ensure the youth is supported in achieving academic and wellness goals.