Tier 1
Focusing on Supporting Students via Needs Assessment and Consultation
Needs Assessment and Consultation is an effective starting point to identify the additional layers needed to effectively support the mental health of school communities. This is achieved via consultation with key district stakeholders with the goal of identifying and maximizing all current supports available on-site, identifying community-based supports, and considering additional services available.
Professional Development Workshops
Professional Development workshops/presentations are available to educate and train school staff on mental health and overall wellness topics. These trainings allow district employees to develop and utilize skills to become agents of therapeutic experiences within their traditional roles. Some examples of such professional developments are: “Mental Health Classroom 101”, “Trauma Informed Classrooms”, “Mindfulness in the Classroom”, etc.
Parent Workshops
Parent Workshops and Support Meets are held to encourage engagement, collaboration, and open discussion on important topics. A key to a successful school team is recruiting and collaborating with the parents. Parents tap into our services by having access to information sessions that build skills at home and enhance support for their child’s academic success. We offer workshops such as, “Effective Communication for Parents”, “Family Wellness Toolbox”, “Incorporating SEL at Home”.
Mental Health Support via In-class Lessons and Presentations
Classroom push-in lessons allow all students to receive tools and strategy for mental health support via in-class lessons and presentations. Students will explore wellness topics and strategies from our licensed team. Highlights from our Student Focused Curriculum are “Self-Awareness & Managing Emotions”, “The Social Filter”, “Creating a Stigma-Free High School”, etc.
Resources to Community-Based Services
Resources to community-based services for the districts that we serve are plentiful and may require additional expertise to successfully navigate. Our team creates county specific networks that allow districts and families to understand and utilize the mental health and wellness resources within their own communities. Having knowledge and access to a library of resources allows agency for students, families, and staff to navigate their success within the school and also independently.
Tier 1

Creating professional development to support emotional and supportive learning environments. We offer classroom based mental health workshops, parent engagement opportunities, and access to a network of providers.
Tier 2

Identified youth can participate in skill development. With an emphasis of conflict resolution, mindfulness, stress management, social skills and peer leadership. On campus and summer transition programs available.
Tier 3

Addressing the most significant mental health support for our districts, we work with identified youth who can participate in in counseling individually and with their families. Crisis intervention, school avoidance, IEP services, and are available.